Frequently asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
At The Foundation of St. Andrew's, we value transparency in our donation processes and fund management. From gift designation to tax implications, our FAQ aims to address your questions and guide your charitable efforts.
If I make a donation to The Foundation, may I designate a specific use for my gifts?
Yes. Donors may designate where they want their gifts directed. They may also leave that decision to the board’s discretion.If I donate to The Foundation will it be used in the annual budget of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church?
No. The Foundation of St. Andrew’s is a separate 501(c)(3) organization from St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church.
How do I include The Foundation of St. Andrew’s in my estate plans?
Please reach out to Mark Jackson, Executive Director, at 651.762.9146 for help in getting started with a bequest to The Foundation.
Is there a minimum gift amount?
No, not for a gift to an established endowed fund. However there is a minimum of $10,000 to create a new dedicated endowed fund which will also require approval from the board.
Is my gift tax deductible?
The Foundation of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church is a nonprofit organization and a separate 501(c)(3) from St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church. It is classified by the IRS as a public charity. Tax ID #41-2001369.
How should I make out my check?
Both current gifts and legacy gifts must be payable to The Foundation of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church to ensure that your intentions are met. Do not shorten to St. Andrew’s or St. Andrew’s Church.